Friday, March 14, 2008

Almost Two!

I haven't been feeling very well today, I have a head cold, my ears hurt and my throught is scratchy.Luckily Ryan has been under the weather too. We cuddled in bed this morning and played together. Usually during the day we don't watch TV but today I am desperate. Ryan loves Disney movies and I just ordered Monsters Inc and the Lion King. So while I tried to cozy up on the sofa and rest Ryan played with his toys and watched his movies. I love how he already smiles and laughs at the right parts, he actually understands what going on. {At least I think he does} And he looked so cute in his PJ's that I tried to take a picture of him with my phone. He is not very camera friendly and will not smile on cue. I don't know how some of you get your kids to smile for the camera. {I would love some pointers} But thank goodness for Digital Cameras and the ability to erase! I erase lots of Ryan Blurr shots. Here are a few things about our Ryan at 21 months :

Ryan Loves

  • Giving Kisses
  • Chocolate
  • Nemo
  • His singing Frog "Tad"
  • Helping me put laundry in the dryer
  • Drinks-anything he is always thirsty!
  • Baths {he cries when I take him out. }
  • Heater Vents, I don't know why but he has gotten his finger stuck 3 times this week!
  • Birds in the sky
  • Balloons
  • Fruit Snacks
  • Playing on the slide at the playground

Ryan Dislikes:

  • Sitting on our laps at church
  • Vegetables {I keep giving them to him, but they always end up on the floor.}
  • Row Row Row the boat, he prefers Itsy Bitsy Spider
  • Nap time, Bedtime....
  • Red Meat of any kind He will not eat it
  • Getting his hair combed
  • Being fed, he likes to do it himself
  • Wearing clothes and diapers, if he can he strips down.
  • Socks
  • Being inside { he looks out the window just to make sure he doesn't miss anything}
I love being Ryan's Mom, he bring so much to our lives. I love his sweet smile, when he laughs, his big blue eyes, and chipped front tooth! We are lucky to have him!


Melissa said...

He is SO cute! No smile required to tell how adorable he is.
At that age it's pretty much luck if I ever got a smiling picture. You just have to take lots. (Candy helps though. -wink-)
Sorry to hear you guys are sick. Get well soon!

Ariana said...

He is a cutie! That's funny about the heater vent thing. I always thought they were some kind of magical portal when I was little.

Sorry about the cold! There must be something going around.

Steph said...

I'm not even sure how I came across your blog, but I'm so glad that I did! I used to live over at the townhomes, not sure if you remember me! Great blog!

Blondie said...

What cute pics of Ryan! I'm surprised you took pics feeling ill and all. I hope you feel better.