Thursday, March 13, 2008

Frozen Yogurt For Your Pooch?

OK so, I understand that people like their pets, love them even, and I get that they like to give them a treat once in a while. In my family growing up that meant your leftover steak or ribs once in a while. One of my favorite Blogs posted about this Yoghund {Frozen yogurt for your dog!} Does anyone else think this is crazy? Anyways this picture below just made me laugh! I might warm up to the idea of one small dog someday, maybe. And If I do grow to love this dog, I still don't think I would but it his own frosty summer treat!

Disclaimer: I might buy this if I lived in San Francisco, had no children and millions of dollars to spend Maybe!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

My fave grocery store has a whole freezer section dedicated to the dog and cat. Crazy.