{Pictures from Hostess with the Mostess}
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Spa Party
My Buddy and Me
Where are the Tulips?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tulip Festival
Monday, April 21, 2008
Weekend Update:
Off to the baseball game on Friday, the weather was gorgeous and Ryan loved running laps around the field. We met up with Cass and Mark and enjoyed some Gondolfo's Subs, and afterwards headed over to the Gateway for some after game dessert. Perfect night!
Belgian Waffles and some palymates for Ryan on Saturday morning, I watched my friends two boys, we went to the playground after Brunch, and they played while I basked in the beautiful sunlight! Love me some Sunshine!
Church and Family dinner on Sunday, London Broil and a fabulous roasted pear and feta salad. Jamie and I took a drive in my Moms convertible up the canyon and enjoyed some alone time. It was so beautiful, we stopped by a small lake. The view was incredible, and the conversation nice. We watched 30 Rock before heading to bed, {so funny}
This week, should be pretty low key, My list of to do's: Clean House {for real this time}, Register our Vehicles, Tulip Festival {and pictures of Ryan} at Thanksgiving Point, The Park, Spray Tanning {my friend Tonya does it in her home} call me if you all want to do it too, and Preparing for this weekend {I will be staying overnight with a group of Friends from College, who are all turning 30 this year.} We are having a Bridal Shower for our friend Heidi and celebrating our birthdays {we will be blowing out candles} Some of the girls are flying in from out if state. I can hardly wait!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Marshmellow Favors
Hostess Blog

{Picture from Hostess with the Mostess Blog}
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Mod Kitchen
You too can Fondue!
Our class was so much fun. Aimee and I had both had stressful days, its amazing how a girls night out can help you relax and enjoy! I learned that fondue is not so hard. It's really easy you just need to practice a few times. We learned many of the melting pots secrets. She gave us some of the recipes too! It was flavorful and entertaining!
Biggest secret #1: You don't need a fondue pot. Really the Melting Pots fondue pots work just like a double boiler. {Then you dont burn the cheese and chocolate! } I do want to buy a couple of melting pot fondue pots because they look so great for presentation, and they are so versitile.{They sell them at the restaraunts}
I will post a few recipes soon, tonight we are so excited to execute what we have learned. I really liked the broth cooked meat, I was a bit wary about it before the class, I had read online reviews written by guests of the melting pot, and they had not liked boiling the meats. I found that there were broths I liked better than others, one I suggest trying is the "Mojo Broth" it was so tasty!
I am off to prepare for the Party tonight! I promise I will share more secrets!
*I reccomend the Thanksgiving Point Classes. They do a good job and how fun is it to go to a cooking class? Im hooked!
Aimee Thanks I had a perfect evening!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wedding Inspiration
{Picture from Style me Pretty}
New post
Monday: My sister and brother in law moved into their new house! Congrats Cass and Mark! So we went over to help them move in and get settled, it was so much fun organising her kitchen and putting things away. {I love organising a kitchen for the first time} It is a darling house, and we look forward to having many BB Q's there!
Tuesday: My friend Amanda and I met up early in the day to celebrate our belated birthdays. We decided to go to Gateway and shop, and have some lunch. We went to the DoDo which is 0ne of my favorite restaurants. We had some amazing Turkey Dips and Yummy Toll House Pie, The perfect lunch! Ryan has been showing signs of "turning two" lately, at the restaurant he threw a toy car at the people in the booth behind us. {I seriously thought about running out of the restaurant.} It was so embarrassing, luckily they had two little girls and just thought it was funny, although I wonder.... after the straw and napkin flew over the booth and landed on them if they still thought it was cute? He has a great arm though!
After Ryan had a nice long and much needed nap, Jamie arrived home early and wanted to go shopping {Fashion Place}. We found some summer clothes for Ry, came home devoured some French Dip sandwiches,watched Idol, The Hills, a bit of laundry, and to bed early!
Wednesday: And finally Today, I have to run a few errands, in preparation for the April Dinner Group activity Thurs night. My friend Tina is hosting and we will be teaching "Fondue Basics."I am excited, we will do cheese , meat and dessert courses.My friend Aimee and I have a cooking class tonight at Thanksgiving Point. The chef is from the Melting Pot, hopefully I learn some great tips to teach the ladies in my neighborhood tomorrow!
This weekend, I have no set plans as of yet, but I have so many things to get done, because next weekend I have a really fun get-a -way "girls only" weekend planned, {friends,bridal showers, and some Park City fun} Stay tuned!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
More Foodie Blogs
The Recipe Girl http://www.therecipegirl.blogspot.com/
Equal Opportunity Kitchen http://eatfordinner.blogspot.com/
Family Freinds and Food http://www.familyfriendsandfood.blogspot.com/
Good eats and Sweet Treats http://good-eats-n-sweet-treats.blogspot.com/
Simply Annes http://www.simplyannes.blogspot.com/
The Pioneer Woman http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday: My Grandma was in town, we went to lunch at Cafe Rio (always good) and a trip to Target for Birthday shopping, and she picked up Ryan a few puzzles. (He loves them!) We headed home for a quick nap for Ry and then played games the rest of the night! {Blockus , Im addicted}
Friday:I woke up early to take my Grandma to the airport, I am always sad when she returns home. Afterwards I took Ryan for a quick stop at the Gateway Mall (Love it) and then to his Aunt Cassi, and Brittany's work. We all went to lunch at a fun hole in the wall sanwhich shop that was really delish! For dinner, Turkey burgers with basil,and cheese,on the side "lots of Strawberries."
Later on we were hungry for a snack so I cut up lots of mini cucumbers and made low fat dip! It was so refreshing, and the mini cukes make it more fun to eat! We watched the Highlights of the Masters and American Idol on "Tivo" {best invention ever}.
The weather was so warm today, I had to take Ryan's sweater off! I am so excited to spend more time outside!
Tonight : Easy dinner: Turkey sandwiches, Jamie is watching the Masters, I need to plan my lesson for church tom, and do laundry! Happy Weekend!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Birthday Pictures
Thanks for sending me the pictures from my Surprise Party! And thanks to everyone who attended and made my Birthday one I will always remember.
{Do I look surprised?}{Cassi and Emily}
{Brittany, Lindsey,Aimee, Emily,Sadie, Amelia, Tina}
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
As Requested
Tip: When adding cream add a little at a time, until you have added the right amount! It makes it so yummy! The amount can vary...
Food Blogs
- http://cupcakeblog.com/ The Cupcake Bake Shop {cupcakes only but make sure to check out her baking and cooking links there are so many good ones!
- http://lick-the-spoon.blogspot.com/ Lick The Spoon {fun baking and step by step instructions form a self taught baker!}
- http://www.mysweetandsaucy.com/ My Sweet And Saucy {baking, fondant cakes and delectables very cute blog}
- http://www.cakespy.com/ Cake Spy {Beautiful and charming dessert Blog}
- http://cafejohnsonia.blogspot.com/ Cafe Johnsonia {so pretty}
- http://www.tastespotting.com/ {pictures and lots of recipes}
- http://pickypalate.blogspot.com/ {Jenny recipes are so creative, some are hits and some misses but always a fun read!}
- http://www.stephanieskitchen.com/ {Stephanies Kitchen, great food blog}
- http://forkinit.blogspot.com/ Stick a Fork in it {a recipe sharing blog}
I have more girls, but for now these should keep you busy!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Tip of the day!

Decoupage Plates
I love creating these types of plates for decoration. I developed a couple of images on photoshop to use. Look for these crimp-edged pieces at Crate and Barrel.
To make these projects, use our download designs. We ‘re offering an 8” x 11” size for small dishes. Larger projects call for a trip to the copy center.Mod Podgescissorsfoam brush
Turn your download design upside down, and use a pencil to trace the bottom of the plate. Cut the circle out. Brush the bottom of the plate with Mod Podge, and place the design onto the plate.You may need to use your fingertips or palm to smooth out any ripples or air pockets. When the Mod Podge has dried, trim any excess paper that may extend past the edge of the plate.If you want this to last as a decorative piece, seal the back with another coat of Mod Podge, and adhere a piece of felt over that layer. If you would rather this be a temporary item, soak the plate in warm, soapy water, and the paper will peel off.
{I would make sure that modge podge is safe to put food on first}
Mudroom Inspiration

{All pictures from Remodelingcenter.com}
Monday, April 7, 2008
Fun Flats
So on Saturday Evening, Jamie and my Brother Jeremy attended the Preisthood Session while Ryan and I scoured the mall! It was so much fun, and I saw too many cute things I can't buy. However I might go back just to get a pair of these cute suede flats form the Gap {on sale 20.00}. They also had a bright green color that I love, {I couldnt find a picture}. But I love these yellow ones!