Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Festival of Trees

Last night I kicked off the season, by attending the Festival of Trees. It was a great event, last night was the opening night, and so people were going there mostly to bid on a Tree of their choice. The proceeds go to Primary Children's Hospital. The families or Individuals who decorate the trees, donate everything out of their own pocket. Many of the Trees are dedicated to love ones lost. It was heartwarming to see the care that went into each detail. I was almost brought to tears as I read a few of the stories and dedications, written on display cards next to each tree. Many of them were dedicated to small children or babies, that had passed on. As a new mother these were the hardest for me to read. What brave parents to go through something so tragic. It brought things into perspective for this time of year. The entire event is put on by volunteers, and they did such a great job! My friend Amanda attended with me, we had such a nice time! the festival will be going on thru the 1st of December at the South Town Expo Center.

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