I thought I would post about my
Grandma today! Her Birthday is this month! And her name is
Carol! Perfect for a December Birth! I have the most wonderful Grandma, she never forgets a birthday, or misses a special occasion! She is a very special person. As her first grandchild, we have always had a special bond.
I will always remember singing harmony with her at church. She has a great voice, and that gave me a great love for singing!

She also always had great books at her home, as a child I would read until late hours of the night just to Finnish the huge children's books. And of course slept with the most comfortable blanket, for some reason I loved her blankets. They smelled so good!
She always made the best toast, and to this day I have not had better toast!
She loves her great-grandson Ryan! We have that in common!
I think we all can agree, grandmas are the best!
I love you Grandma! Happy Birthday!