We continued opening presents when Ryan was done with one present he said, "Let's try this one" referring to another present! We wrapped all of his in Santa paper so he knew which ones were just for him!
Then we opened our Gifts to each other, Jamie bought me My Camera!!! { I am now a proud owner if a Nikon. }The rest of the morning, I was playing with my new toy! I bought Jamie a set of Golfers Rain Gear, and an indoor remote control mini helicopter,{that he absolutely loves and played with all day}
We finally decided to open our Ultrasound envelope, I was getting so excited, I let Jamie look at it first, I had my new camera ready! He looked at it silently and had a grin on his face, finally I told him to hand it over to me... As I read "It's a Girl", I started tearing up and kept exclaiming, things like oh my gosh... I thought for sure it was going to be a boy! You see there are 6 Great grandsons on my side of the family. And Jamie has been telling me every day that he knows its a boy! So it was a surprise for him as well!

We headed over to my Parents shortly after for brunch, Homemade Cinnamon rolls, and German Pancakes with Berries and Whipped Cream , My sister and her husband were also announcing the gender of their first baby also due in May. Cassi and I were both hoping to break the streak and have girls together. They announced that they were having a Girl first, and then we announced... The entire room got CRAZY! like a game show! {see picture below}

We had a clerk at the store wrap an appropriate color of shirt for us, {we let her peek in our envelope.} Then my family opened their present AND FOUND THIS!

The rest of the day we spent relaxing, and playing games. It was a great Christmas, and we have so much to be Thankful for. I am so excited to have my first girl, and have been scouring my huge baby name book.
Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!
A GIRL!!! CONGRATS!!!!! so excited for you guys. I LOVE the pics of your family finding out the surprise. it will so so neat that you and Cassi are both having girls! It was so fun to see you guys in oregon and catch up a little bit. hopefully we'll see you guys again soon and meet your little girl! love ya.
I don't know how in the world you waited that long. How fun though for the ultrasound dude and stuff! CONGRATS!! I had a feeling it was a girl. :) Merry Christmas!
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