I had to write this post, because I have been thinking about how much things are going to change around here. Ryan will. no longer be an "only". It seems a bit strange, of course I am excited, but I cant help but wonder what he will think about all of the changes that are coming. I remember the day he was born and the weeks that followed. They were so special. I could not get enough of him. He has been my buddy for almost four years. I am glad I had that time to be with him, and the chance to really get to know him.
He loves to be right next to me,on me, or touching me, {sometimes I might want to be left alone}but he loves to be close to me and I know someday I will really miss that!
He is my protector and my biggest fan. He cheers me on in all I do. He always asks if I am OK. Or he will say how are you feeling? I guess I do that to him, but it is so sweet when he asks me too!
He has to say his prayers with out help,and he is getting so good at it. Sometimes I will remind him of all the things we are grateful for before prayer, and he amazingly remembers all of them. After he insists I sing at least three songs before he will even consider going to sleep.
He likes to eat the same things as me, things daddy will not eat, like tuna sandwiches, and grapefruit and oatmeal, frozen berries and salads.
He tells me he loves me all day, and will tenderly caress my face just to tell me. He also asks me "Mommy are you my friend? "and I always say yes, It really is sweet,he needs to be reassured, especially when he has a tendency to get into lots of scrapes!
In the morning as soon as the sun comes up, he runs into our room and tells me "the sun is awake", and has to join me in bed and cuddle.
I love his enthusiasm, and love and concern for others.
He is excited to turn Four and wants to have a Pirate Party, he talks about it every day. I think I have created a party planner.
He loves to talk on the phone, and will ask me to call "Grandma", if she doesn't answer he goes right down the list of any and all family members until someone answers.
He is funny!And likes to dance,and sing!
He is excited about his baby sister and asks me if she is asleep in my belly or awake, if I say awake he asks to kiss her.

Lastly He lets me dress him and do his hair any way I want, and has no preference at all, I hope he is always like that!
I love my little boy, and I am trying to enjoy every moment I have left with him as my one and only.