Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Pottery Barn Halloween

Isn't this such a great idea to make your room spooky?

Feather wreath and an orange door too!

I am going to try and recreate these skulls.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Craft Mode
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
How Sweet it is
Monday, September 15, 2008
Grandma and Ryan
Best Summer Ever
Ready get Set Launch!(Ryan and I)

Jeremy my brother (Cassi wake boarding in the background)
Fabulous Friday
I will admit it, I LOVE FAIRS! I love the greasy and sweet smells, like funnel cakes, popcorn and cotton candy. Crowds of people, booths full of things I cant help but wonder "who buys that?" Rides, and Lights and lets not forget the famed Ferris Wheel my very favorite part.. We went on Friday night. I had been talking about it for weeks,I had it on the calendar for months. I was so happy Jamie decided to take me, it took a bit of coaxing but I think he had fun!

Finger Painting and a bit more....
I have been thinking lately about making every day magical for Ryan(not anything spectacular but fun and new for him). I have been reading a few blogs about mothers that have lost their babies and children that have lost their mothers. Every time I finish reading these inspirational blogs I pick Ryan up in my arms and squeeze him tight, I whisper how much I love him, and sometimes he gives me a kiss back.....MAGICAL...

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Tagged: 6 Unspectacular Things
1. I sometimes will take a bite of something and realise that it not worth swallowing and I spit it out!(Not worth the calories)
2. I bite my nails I have since I was three or four. I have stopped before but only for a few months and then I started up again!
3. I hate leaving messages. I will call you, but unless it is so very important, I don't leave a message most of the time!
4. I use almost an entire roll of paper towels a day. I guess I am not going green. I am addicted to them.
5. I am sensitive to smells and even stories about smells. I gag easily.
6. I have been known to re-wash clean laundry- if I don't fold it quick enough. Jamie hates wrinkles in clothes and he will put them in the dirty clothes pile if they have any wrinkles. (sometimes I will sneak them back into his drawer, shhhhh don't tell)
Tell us about 6 unspectacular quirks that you have. Tag 6 following bloggers. Leave a comment on each of their blogs to let them know they have been tagged.
I Tag: Mary C, Becca M, Sadie H, Amanda S, Lindsey N, and Amelia M
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
The last bit of Summer
Ryan had fun with his friend Jack at The Farm on Friday! And crafting with friends until after midnight is always fun!
Kids and Nursery Line

Did you know that Restoration Hardware had a baby and child line? I love that modern stores are focusing on great nursery design. Here is a sneak peak!
*pro: great furniture, simple lines and new designs
*cons: For bedding the color line is a bit boring, the pink and blue are way to saturated