Before I post my birth story, {it will take some time to write.} But it is worth writing because it was incredible!

{I had a hair apt scheduled the same day I had to go in to the hospital, can you tell?}
I have to say I got through the first week! It was harder than I thought it would be. Learning how to breast feed for the first time, taking the baby to the hospital every day for heel pricks, going to the doctors office to get my blood pressure checked.{ checking my Blood pressure at home}, Keeping my baby on a bed of lights, {which was hard and I cheated lots} feeding her by bottle and feeling defeated because I wasn't giving her enough of my own milk. Ryan and Jamie both had colds over the weekend and were coughing and such.. BUT...
I am so lucky! I really feel that way. It really feels like a victory getting to today! Now I can focus on enjoying my baby, holding her whenever I want to. Making Ryan a Sammie when he is hungry and all the other normal things mom's do!
My Husband has been terrific! I cant say enough. He has made me meals and brought them to me,warmed bottles at night and helped in every other way. {he really is terrific!} Don't you think that when your Husbands are helpful?
Ryan finished his last week of Preschool, And he Graduated! Lauren is as sweet as can be, and me, well I feel great! I want to get out in the sunshine and enjoy summer with my two kids!

{Ryan's last day of preschool}