Summer Top Ten:
1. My baby boy turned one! And I had so much fun decorating for his Monkey party!
Monkey Cake Recipe the kids loved it!
2. Fun Bridal showers and Baby showers!
coconut cupcakes (Ina Garten, and homemade favors with vintage paper)

3. Cooling off in the Pool

St George Utah(Ryan and I)
4. BBQ
Had a great party with friends from the college days. Great company great food! Thanks for attending!

5. Blueberries Yum (pancakes, on my oatmeal, frozen, smoothies) lots of antioxidants and sooo good too!
6. Summer Shoes

7. Ryan Walks..or Runs and Fast
8. Watermelon...Need I say more?
Watermelon is a low-calorie, fat free way to supply your body with important nutrients including vitamins A, B6, C,thiamine and also a rich source of lycopene. In Summer, increased heat and humidity can lead to increased sweating, resulting in more water loss. To compensate, you can supply your body with watermelon marvel because watermelons consist of %90 water!!!

9. Summer Pedicures, I recommend the Spa Club join the club for 25$ a year and get great discounts on all of your beauty treatments. The spa pedicure is fabulous! They have locations all over Utah.

yes this is my very own feet, don't laugh!
10.Reading good Books. I recommend Stephanie Myers Twilight Series, I still have the third book to read, but they are so entertaining, and cleverly written, a love story with a twist. A must read series!